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The (really) long answer: It really is a toss up. What happens with auto insurance in general is that if you're in an accident where the other party is found at fault, their policy will pay for your injuries and damage to your vehicle up to the limits of their policy. If your expenses exceed their limit, your policy can kick in to cover some of that.. Imagine that: The National Football League has reached its 100th season. A small organization founded in an auto dealership showroom in northeast Ohio in 1920 is now a multibillion dollar industry with a near religious following. It dominates television screens around the nation.. Personally, Schumacher took a slower approach to ramping up his racing this season, picking and choosing what meets he would run in, to both avoid overtraining and stay fresh for cheap jerseys the stretch run of the season. With the Crusaders' other top six runners forming a super strong core, the focus for Schumacher was peaking in the postseason. The ...